Stripe integration
How to connect your Stripe account
To start making money on your videos via subscriptions or PPV,
you first need to add a payment gateway.
Bamboo Cloud can integrate with your Stripe account at no cost, we don't even take any fees!
To make the integration happen, we would need an endpoint and your secret/id.
And you would need to set a callback in stripe with your site URL.
This is currently done via our support (
Please send us your: publishableKey, secretKey & signingSecret
Those can be found under the developer part in Stripe.
First we need your publisher Key and Secret Key, those can be found here-
The second step will be adding a "Webhook", this can be done on this tab-
Then set a callback to your Bamboo site, it needs to look like this:
For example:
The last step when you set your callback, please make sure to add the events-
* customer. subscription.trial will_end
* customer.subscription.updated
* invoice.paid
* invoice.payment_failed
* invoice.updated
* payment_intent.payment_failed
* payment_intent.succeeded
Your Site URL, can also be found under the "Account" module- "Domain".
** Don't use, choose one of the custom URL field
For example-