Add content from YouTube

Add content from YouTube

To add content from YouTube

Start by navigating to the “Media” module, content can be added using the “+Add” button.

Here you can find all of our uploading options, including the “From YouTube”.

After clicking the “From YouTube” button, fill in the YouTube video ID, and the video will be added to your video library.

Bamboo Pro Tip #1: Our embed code doesn't support playing YouTube content, so it only makes sense to add YouTube videos if you are using the Bamboo Pro or enterprise plans, and plan to use the YouTube content on your Bamboo site or apps.

Bamboo Pro Tip #2: To find your Youtube video ID, go to the video URL and copy the ID from the link, it’s usually after ”v=”.

YouTube videos are played using the YouTube player, to get your actual content from Youtube, contact us.

**If you don’t see the "From YouTube" option active in your account,

go to the “Media options” module and enable the YouTube integration.

 Add from YouTube 

Enable YouTube integration

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