Embed your videos
Embed your videos and customize your player
In order to embed a video, go to the “ Media” Module,
and select the video you want to embed by clicking the " edit" button,
this will open its editing panel.
Now, Navigate to the " Player" tab on the editing panel.
Here you can see the player’s name and embed code.
This code will change according to the player and the video you choose.
Start by selecting a player, or better yet create a new one.
You can add up to 10 custom players to answer your different needs.
Bamboo Pro Tip: Before embedding your videos, we highly recommend you customize your player.
On the “ Styling” tab - You can customize colors, upload your logo and add a watermark.
Check out some cool features and if you really like controls, make sure to remove the controls auto-hide option.
On the “ Call to action” tab- You can use it to add related videos that will be shown on your player.
Add buttons and even add a form and ask for your user’s email.
On the “ monetization” tab- You can select a video from your library as a pre-roll.
This video will play whenever this player is played.
You can also add a vast tag to monetize your videos, by adding a vast tag ( contact us if you want to add your first tag).
Bamboo Pro Tip: Player settings are shared across all videos, and are not video-specific.
Want a different behavior for another video?
We recommend creating a new player for each experience and brand.
After you finish adjusting your new player, just hit “ save”, and you’re good to go.
To embed your player on your WordPress site-copy the embed code and paste it on your site.
We recommend using the “Custom HTML” block to do it.
Bamboo Pro Tip: If you need a direct link to the video and not an embed code.
Use this- https://cdnapi.bamboo-video.
For example- https://cdnapi.bamboo-video.
The video ID can be found on the "info tab" of the video, and the account ID can be found in the "Info" page under the "Account" module.
Choose a player/ Open a new player / Copy the embed code
Customize your Player & make it your own