Upload via CSV
If you want to bulk it, you came to the right place.
Let us teach some stuff about CSV upload.
- Why should I use CSV upload?
- What is needed for CSB upload?
- How do I update my videos via CSV?
- CSV fields
- CSV example
Why should I use CSV upload?
CSV upload is the easiest option for 2 use cases-
- Bulk upload- For users that have a lot of content to upload, and have download links/HLS URL's for those videos. It can be used for both internal uploads and uploads of external videos.
- Bulk update- CSV is a great option to bulk update your videos, for users that have a Bamboo Pro account or higher. With CSV you can change- names, thumbnails, descriptions, add new categories or assign videos to existing categories, and much more. It's a good way to see where you stand if you already uploaded a lot of content and you need to make a big change or update to it.
What is needed for CSV upload?
In order to upload new videos via csv, you'll need to have a direct video link or external HLS URL for them.
A direct link is a download link, that allows you to download the video. If you have not sure if your link works, paste it to your address bar (on the browser), if you can view the video or it starts downloading to your computer, you are good to go! If you see a web page / HTML or a message, it's a bad link.
External HLS URL is what you need to use if your videos are stored else where, and you don't wish to host them on Bamboo Cloud. Something important to know- most of our apps fully support external content, but it might cause issues with analytics and 24/7 channels that aren't supported with this kind of the content.
Bamboo tip- If you want to use external content, please contact our support team, so we can add the necessary fields.
How do I update my videos via CSV?
Using a csv is a great way to bulk update videos in your account.
In order to do that, you first need a list of all your content.
How do you do that? Account export!
You can simply copy an API call to your browser to download a CSV with all your videos and info.
What is the API call?
How can I find my domain?
Go to Account-> Domain, and copy one of your unique domains, don't use app.bamboo-video.com!
Example- http://5026.bamboo-video.com/api/export?format=csv
Before you can use the export option, you need to first login to your account with the unique domain.
After you are logged in, you can use the API call to export all your content.
CSV fields
These are all the fields you need and can add to the csv, some are musts (marked with a *) and some are not. Please add all of the them, them ones that are optional can be left empty.
Needed for both internal and external videos:
- mediaType* should always be 1 for videos
- id* is the id given by Bamboo automatically so don’t fill this up for new videos, and leave it there if you are making changes to existing videos.
name* is the name of the video.
If it's an update, and you change it, it will change in the admin panel.
description is the description of the video.
If it's an update, and you change it, it will change in the admin panel.
tags are only supported on the Bamboo site, you can add them if you want.
To add more than one, use commas (,) between tags.
categories- if you write down existing categories, it will add to that category, if you write down something that doesn’t exist is will also create the category.
If you are using sub-categories, the format is Main>sub. For example- Movie>Action
If you are using more than one category, use commas (,) between them.
thumbnailUrl only if you have it, if not, leave it empty.
If you choose to add it, it needs to be the url of the thumbnail itself and not the url that it appears on or something like that.
- order- Is for cases you need custom ordering for your videos, not one that can be set with something automatically order like A-Z. But something you need to order by yourself. It's not a must.
startDate- To add a start date to your video, use this format-
For American date format- "/" M/D/Y, for example- 12/18/2024
For European date format "-" or "." D.M.Y or D-M-Y, for example- 18.12.2024, 18-12-2024
Needed for internal videos:
url-is the direct link of the video, this is a must field when you are uploading internally to Bamboo. Don't fill it up if you are using external content.
Needed for external videos:
- info.hlsUrl* - Is used in order to add the external content, you need to use the videos HLS URL or direct link. Don't use it if you are uploading internally to Bamboo.
referenceId* Is used do differentiate between videos that come from outside Bamboo, add something there, so avoid having you videos uploaded more than once.
It can be whatever you want, it's just for internal order.
- duration add the content duration by seconds.
CSV Example
Check out this example and work from there!